EMT Configuration Options

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Exigo Management Tool

This article describes the configuration options in EMT.
There is 3 configuration options in EMT:

  • Allow multiple Audio Programs on Input Lines
  • Allow Setting 'Send-To' option (when using A-B system database)
  • Allow Cluster Zones
EMT - Configuration Options

The options can be found in the Options menu (top right) -> Configuration Options.

Allow multiple Audio Programs on Input Lines

With this options it is possible to add multiple Audio Program Source to a Line Input.

EMT - Multiple Programs

The motivation behind this option is to be able to trig different control outputs with audio coming from the same Line Input.

Use case example:

A use case example can be found here.

Allow Setting 'Send-To' option (when using A-B system database)

This option lets you select between 3 different option when uploading a database:

  • Send to both
  • Send to Controller A
  • Send to Controller B
Send-to options

Right click on the Send button to switch between the options.

Allow Cluster Zones

By default Cluster Zones are not allowed, but can be enabled in EMT.
This allows for Zones that contains other Zones:

Allow Cluster Zones

In this example all zones (1 to 8) is put inside a "All Zone".

Note.PNG * Control outputs will only trigger on the top level zone.
* Audio activities should just be sent to the top level zones, not the zones used inside other zones.

Identify Device

Option for customizing the Scan and Identify functionality.

Number of Blinks to Identify Device: - sets the number of blinks
Blinks per Second to Identify Device: - sets the speed (blinks per seconds)