EMT Getting Started

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Exigo Management Tool

This article describes how to use EMT to create and upload a new database.

The steps needed to create and upload a database are:

  1. Create a new database
  2. Add Amplifiers
  3. Defining zones
  4. Add Access Panels
  5. Upload database
EMT - Getting Started

Step 1. Create a New Database

In the navigation pane, select Projects view.
Press New and follow the wizard.

EMT - New Database wizard

All of the parameters in the wizard may be changed at a later stage.

Step 2. Add Amplifiers

In Components view open Devices view.

File:EMT getting started 3.JPG
EMT - Adding Amplifier

Drag the Amplifier into System.

Step 3. Defining zones

To add zones in the system press the + Add Zone button.
It is recommended to give the zones a logical name.

EMT - Adding and naming zones

To add amplifier outputs to the zone you can either drag the hole Amplifier or the Amplifier output channel to the zone.

EMT - Assigning amplifier output to a zone

Step 4. Add Access Panels

In Components view open Devices view.

EMT - Adding and naming zones

Drag the desired Access Panel into System.

To add functions to the access panel (for example Live Speech) see Live Speech.

Step 5. Upload database

In the Navigation pane, select Projects view.

EMT - Send - uploads the data base to ESC1

Press Send to upload the new configuration to the Exigo system