Turbine Image Recovery

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This article describes how to upload firmware to a Turbine device if the firmware is corrupted and the unit is bricked.

It is important that this must be used as a last resort and the only way to reach the unit is using serial port.

This applies to the following devices:

  • ESC1 Controller - only the Secondary System Controller.
  • ENA Amplifiers
  • ECPIR-P/ECPIR-3P/EAPIR-8 Access Panels.
  • EAPII-1/EAPII-6 Access Panels.
  • TKIS-2/TKIE-1 kits.


The upgrade process is done by using the following tools:

  • Standard TFTP server.
  • Serial console to run the process.

In order to upload the firmware you need the following:

  • USB to Serial Cable. A tutorial on how to make the cable can be found here.

This cable must be used for the access panels and the kits.

  • For the ESC Controller and ENA Amplifiers you need to use a serial cable like this:
Serial cable for ESC and ENA units


A tutorial on how to connect PC to the access panels and kits can be found here.

To connect to ESC Controller and ENA Amplifiers you must use the cable that is described above in Prerequisite.


Prepare the TFTP server on the PC

The TFTP server must be prepared with a image package (exi-x.x.x.x).

On a standard TFTP server extract and store the archive to the TFTP root folder.


  1. Connect the modified USB cable to the turbine device.
  2. Connect a Ethernet cable for the new Image transfer.