Generate wav files

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How to generate Wav files for AMC-IP

This guide can be used to adjust any audio files to be compatibile with AMC-IP

Step-by-step guide, (Norwegian version of Audacity)

  1. Open the audio file in Audacity
  2. Change to mono file by going to "Spor -> Stereospor til Mono"
  3. Change "Prosjektrate (Hz)" to 16000

Audicity settings


  • Reduce length of file by selecting audio and pressing delete
Audicity - before fade

  • Select an area and press "Effekt -> Ton Ut" to make a less abrubt ending of the audio. This function will reduce the audio in the selected area

Audacity after fade.png

Audicity - after fade

5. Export audio as wav file by going to "File->Export Audio" and selecting "Save as type = WAV (Microsoft) signed 16 bit PCM"