Setting up a small A-B system

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Exigo small A-B system

This article will explain how to setup and configure a small Exigo A-B system.
System A will have one ESC1 Controller and two ENA2200 Amplifiers.
System B will have one ESC1 Controller and two ENA2200 Amplifiers.
In addition there will be one ECPR-3P connected to the system.
The system will be programmed with 4 Zones.
With the PPT button we will configure Live Speech on all zones.

Before you start configure make sure that all devices have been updated to the latest software/firmware.

Step 1: IP address

Each device will need to be configured with an IP address and subnet which is in range of the AMC-IP card.

Table below lists IP range for a small A-B system with two controllers, four amplifier and one access panel. All subnets are set to

Device IP Directory number
PSC System A
ESC1 System A 013010
ENA 1 System A 012010
ENA 2 System A 012020
PSC System B
ESC1 System B 023010
ENA 1 System B 022010
ENA 2 System B 022020
ECPIR-3P 011010

Step 2: Primary System Controller Setup

Open up the front of the ESC1 System Controller. Connect your computer to eth0.

  1. Open a web browser and enter the default IP address of port npe_eth0:
  2. Log in with username: admin and password: alphaadmin
  3. Select System Configuration > Interfaces

Web Interface for the Primary System Controller

  • Enter the appropriate IP address ( for Controller A and for Controller B) in the npe_eth1 field. /24 will set the subnet mask to

This must be done for the ESC System controller for both System A and B.

Step 3: Secondary System Controller Setup

Connect your computer to eth1 (on the back of the ESC1 System Controller).

To find the IP address of the Secondary System Controller:

  • Turn the menu selection knob on the system controller to select Settings > Network to see the IP address on the display.

To configure the IP address and directory number:

  1. Open a web browser and enter IP address: 169.254.x.x
  2. Log in with username: admin and password: alphaadmin
  3. Select Station Main > Main Settings
Web interface for the Secondary System Controller

Set the following values:

  • Station Mode: Use Exigo
  • Registration Settings:
    • Primary System Controller address: for Controller A and for Controller B (IP address previously set for PSC)
    • Directory Number: 013010 for Controller A and 023010 for Controller B (corresponds to the Directory Number automatically assigned to the system controller in the Exigo Management Tool)
  • IP Settings: Static IP
    • IP-address: for Controller A and for Controller B
    • Subnet-mask:
    • Gateway:

This must be done for the ESC System controller for both System A and B.

Step 4: ENA Amplifier Setup

Connect your computer to eth1 (on the back of the ENA Amplifier).

To find the IP address of the ENA Amplifier:

  • Turn the menu selection knob on the Amplifier to select Settings > Network to see the IP address on the display.

To configure the IP address and directory number:

  1. Open a web browser and enter IP address: 169.254.x.x
  2. Log in with username: admin and password: alphaadmin
  3. Select Station Main > Main Settings

Web Interface for the ENA2200 Amplifier

Set the following values:

  • Station Mode: Use Exigo
  • Registration Settings:
  • Primary System Controller address: for Controller A and for Controller B (IP address previously set for PSC)
    • Directory Number: Set the correct Directory Number according to the list above
  • IP Settings: Static IP
    • IP-address: set the correct IP address according to the IP address list above
    • Subnet-mask:
    • Gateway:

This must be done for all four ENA Amplifiers in both System A and B.

Step 5: ECPIR-3P Setup

Configuration is done via the access panel’s web interface. After making sure that the access panel is connected to the same LAN and logical subnet as your PC, follow the procedure described below.

To configure the IP address and directory number:

  1. Open a web browser and enter IP address: 169.254.x.x
  2. Log in with username: admin and password: alphaadmin
  3. Select Station Main > Main Settings
Web Interface for the ECPIR-3P

Set the following values:

  • Station Mode: Use Exigo
  • Registration Settings:
  • Primary System Controller address: (IP address previously set for PSC)
    • Directory Number: 011010 (corresponds to the Directory Number automatically assigned to the system controller in the Exigo Management Tool)
  • IP Settings: Static IP
    • IP-address:
    • Subnet-mask:
    • Gateway:

Step 6: Install Exigo Management Tool (EMT)

Install EMT on your computer. See this page for details: Installing EMT

Step 7: Exigo Management Tool Setup

  • Start the Exigo Management Tool
  • Click Projects at the lower-left of the window.
EMT Projects overview

  • Click New
Database setup wizard

  • Click the New Database tab
  • Click the right-arrow icon at the bottom of the window
Database setup wizard - Singel or A-B System

  • Enter a project name in the Project field
  • Select the A-B System tab
  • Click the right-arrow icon at the bottom of the window
Database setup wizard - Zones and Domain IP address

  • Set 4 for the Number of Discrete Zones
  • Enter IP address in Domain Address A
  • Enter IP address in Domain Address B
  • Click the right-arrow icon at the bottom of the window
Database setup wizard - Monitoring

Select the desired monitoring:

  • Select Eth1 for the Rack Devices
  • Select AC Monitoring
  • Select Eth1 for the Access Panels and Kits
Database setup wizard - Advanced Settings

Select the desired Advanced Settings:

  • Default setting is OK. This can be changed later if needed.
  • Click the right-arrow icon at the bottom of the window to display a project summary
Database setup wizard - Summary

  • Click Finish to complete the setup of the project

After setup, your Exigo system should look something like the following:

EMT - Project view

Step 8: Exigo Management Tool System Configuration

When the Project is created in EMT it is time to do configuration on the System.

Assigning the ECPIR-3P Access Panel to the System:

  • Click Components at the lower-left of the window.
  • Click Devices from the menu box
  • Under Console Mounted Access Panels drag-and-drop ECPIR-3P to System
EMT Components view - adding ECPIR-3P panel

Select One device registered in controller A:

ECPIR-3P registered in controller A

Click Done.

The access panel will now appear as ECPIR-3P A1 in the device list under System.

Assigning the ENA Amplifiers to the System:

  • Click Components at the lower-left of the window.
  • Click Devices from the menu box
  • Under Rack Mounted Devices select ENA2200 and under Multiple devices select 2
  • Drag-and-drop ENA2200 to System
Assigning the ENA2200 Amplifiers to the system

ENA2200 Amplifiers - Two devices parallel wired

Click Done.

Assigning Channels on Amplifier to Zones:

  • Select ENA2200 B1 ENA2200 A1 > Audio Lines > Amplifier output channel 1
  • Drag-and-drop Amplifier output channel 1 to Zone 1 under PA Zones
EMT - assigning output channels to zones

  • Repeat the procedure to assign channel 2 on the amplifiers to Zone 2.

Follow the same procedure for ENA2200 B2 ENA2200 A1.

Assigning Zone to the PPT Button

  • Select System > ECPIR-3P A1 > Programmable Keys > ptt > press_actions
EMT - assigning zones to the PTT button

  • In the detailed view select All under Destination

Do the same for release_action:

  • Select System > ECPIR-3P A1 > Programmable Keys > ptt > press_release
  • In the detailed view select All under Destination

Step 9: Upload database

In the Navigation pane, select Projects view.

EMT - uploading the database

  • Press Send to upload the new configuration to the Exigo system

The system shall now be working. If you push PTT it shall be possible to make a live speech to all four zones.