Microphone Test

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Microphone Test is a variant of Recall where the audio is recorded with the microphone and "bounced" back to the access panel when the function times out or is switched off. The function can be used on ECPIR-3P or ECPIR-1P.

Microphone test function
Microphone test

Short description with links to other relevant concepts.


Microphone test function

Activation Toggle / start / stop.
Timeout When will microphone test time out
Wait for PTT If the function should wait for PTT before recording

Led behavior

Green led active: Microphone is recording Red led active: Recorded audio is played back on local speaker

Use cases:

Case 1: Toggle

Activation Toggle
Timeout 5
Wait for PTT Not set

Pressing this button will allow the operator to talk into the mic for up to 5 seconds or until the operator press the button again. The recorded message will then be played out.

Case 2: Start/Stop

Here microphone test should have activation set to start on press and stop on release. The button will then work as a PTT button, where the operator press and hold the button to record the message. When the operator release the button, or the function times out, the recording will be played back.

Case 3: Microphone test with handheld microphone

If a handheld microphone is used on the access panel the "wait for PTT" should be set.

Activation Toggle
Timeout 5 seconds
Wait for PTT Set

Pressing the microphone test button will prime the panel. When the PTT button is pressed on the handheld microphone the microphone test will start and it will continue until it times out or the ptt button is released. If the PTT button on the handheld microphone is not pressed for 5 second the function will time out and the access panel will be back to normal functionality.


This function is available on Exigo 1.2 and newer.