A-B System Principle

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This article describes the principle behind A-B systems.
Exigo supports A-B system setup. This is used to enhance redundancy and in many projects this is a feature that is required.

The main principle behind the A-B system is that a critical fault should not reduce audio coverage in a given area.

Complete A-B System

A complete A-B systems consist of two complete PA systems that works together as one system.
Both systems will have a Controller and a number of amplifiers.
Usually these two systems are located in two different places. So if one of the locations for example catches fire the other will still be working.

A-B System principle:

A-B System Principle

All the areas will have speakers from both System A and System B.
So if one of the system fails you will still have audio coverage in all areas.

A-B Speaker wiring

To ensure audio coverage in an area the speakers will be wired from both System A and System B:

A-B Speaker Wiring Principle

If you for example have a hallway with ceiling speakers, every other speaker will be wired back to System A and every other back to System B.
If one of the system fails you will still have audio coverage in the hallway.